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Saved by Jack Palmer
on February 9, 2009 at 3:52:26 pm

EUwiki: Democratising Knowledge of the EU.   



© European Community, 2008 

Welcome to our EUwiki, created by students within the Department of Political, International and Policy Studies at the University of Surrey as part of their level 2 module, Evolution of an Integrated Europe. 


The influence of the European Union on the lives of its citizens becomes more apparent with each passing day. However, the EU's influence is matched by a worrying lack of knowledge about this organisation. The aim of our project is to bring EU politics closer to students and to facilitate the acquistion of encyclopaedic knowledge about the history of the European integration process, the institutions and current debates about the future of the Union.





Debates on European Integration


European Institutions

European Integration History 1947-2007






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