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European Institutions

Page history last edited by Jake Willis 13 years, 4 months ago


The institutions of the European Union have been created through a series of treaties that have been negotiated and ratified by the EU countries. Within these treaties, lie the description of the powers and responsibilities that the respective institution possesses. These treaties explain the procedures and rules that the EU institutions must abide by, this is agreed by the leaders of the member states and are ‘ratified by their parliaments’ (Europa, 2011). While the original EU member states came together in an attempt to avoid future conflict, the relative gains by association of the EU is now seen as one of the key reasons member states adhere to the institutional rule.


The Key Institutions


The Council of the European Union


The European Commission


The European Parliament 


The European Court of Justice



Specialised Institutions


Court of First Instance


European Court of Auditors


European Central Bank


The European Ombudsman  


The Committee of the Regions  



Non-European Union Institutions


Council of Europe 





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